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Sothy – Teacher Co-ordinator & Trainer

“I have been a part of PLF since I was in Grade 6 at Chey school in 2006. I was supported in school supplies and lessons, as well as a chance to turn into the new world in 2009 when the lab at Chey showed up. First the XO computer (One Laptop One Child) which I helped to teach the other students, then turned into the Microsoft Office lab. Then I can see a little bit about what I want my future to look like when technology came into my life. It really opened my world!

Sothy (far left) and friends receiving a laptop as a special thank you for their teaching assistance in 2010

When I graduated from Grade 12 I was selected by Lori to begin teaching elementary English to the youngest kids, teaching them the alphabet etc. This is while I was studying at university. And after university I taught for one year full-time. PLF provided working with experienced teaching volunteers who visited every year and learning a lot from them. We also got trainings like ITTSR and CamTESOL and learning from other organizations – always improving and always learning. And every year I moved to be better.

Then I became Field Director at Chey which I did for 3 years. Field Director was a lot of challenges, we have to work across everything like facility, working with the teachers, working with the libraries, working with the government, collecting scores, prepare events, etc. So in that job I didn’t do any teaching, I just organized what the other teachers needed, and trained the English teachers, sharing what I had learned.

Sothy shares his skills & support in group teacher exchanges and one-on-one development sessions

Now I am the first full-time teacher trainer at PLF because we see the need to have someone dedicated to that. So now I am across all teachers at all locations, not just Chey and not just English. This is really good for the teaching staff, we put people into the specific skill and I can really focus on what they need the most. This is what I really love, and I am so happy about this change!

So I have been through many stages in my journey, first student, then teacher then field director and now teaching co-ordinator. I have improved a lot, developed a lot, and I look forward to share that development to help the other teachers and make the program run well across all projects and have good connection with the other teams.

Sothy also takes part in mentorship workshops, sharing his experience to the younger generation

I’m really happy when I see the students coming to school now with a good building and enough materials and enough supplies and a lot of opportunities to grow and a different teaching style from the teachers and a better curriculum. Education means a lot to me. It’s about improving, it’s about making things better. It’s about understanding other people better, not judging or blaming others. 

And education means a developed country. It’s a long-term investment, very long, but it is the way to develop the country.”

Watch a young Sothy in 2010 as the seeds of his passion for teaching & tech take root!


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