Enrichment Programs
Rural primary school curricula in Cambodia are entirely focused on reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the vast majority of these lessons are taught by rote. Through our enrichment programs we are adding creative, analytical, and exploratory elements to the classroom and providing a platform for our students to discover their talents. Offering extracurriculars also means that an education is more attractive and interesting to students who receive little encouragement from home to attend school.

Chess club has been enthusiastically taken up by students of all ages. They eagerly play during free hours, challenging their friends and practicing at every opportunity. Playing and learning chess offers students a chance to improve their memory, reasoning, creative and logical thinking, as well as decision making. In addition to hosting chess club as an extracurricular class, we also put on tournaments with clubs from other schools in the area to hold a bit of friendly competition.

We are currently offering Ukulele classes for students at Tchey school. Our students are learning Khmer traditional and western songs, exploring their talents and finding their musical groove. This program brings another important creative element into our students’ education and allows them to share their music with the community by performing at PLF events.