We work to break cycles of poverty in disadvantaged communities by improving access to quality education … because School Is The Answer!
Your donations help to keep our programs running, and together with the tireless work of our supporters and team, are significantly improving the futures of 2,800 children and youth in Cambodia.
Let us know if a program especially speaks to you and we will apply your funds to that project! Donations made without a designation preference will be put into general funds and used where needs are the greatest.

USA & World
If you’re from the USA you can make a single or recurring tax-deductible donation (yes, we are a registered 501(c)3) using your debit or credit card through our Network For Good page.
Donors from other countries can also donate on the Network for Good link.
One-time or recurring tax deductible donations can also be made via the following partners:
Mail Us A Check

Wire Transfer
Please contact us at [email protected] for information