University & Vocational Training Scholarships
Due to our finely-tuned programs in the primary grades, more students are now staying the course all the way through school, with Grade 12 graduates breaking into higher levels of academic achievement in turn. For those with the academic skills, University is an obvious choice. Others, like young people everywhere, are better served by programs that provide more immediate access to jobs, and we partner with Vocational Training Schools in the area to help them learn skills that will enable meaningful employment.
As we reach a tipping point of having as many active students in secondary and tertiary education as in primary, we continue to grow our scholarship program to support our ever-increasing classes of Grade 12 graduates, in the knowledge that these young Cambodians will become educational role models and a voice for their communities.
As of 2024, we have awarded a total of 266 scholarships – that’s 229 university and 37 vocational placements; of those 127 have completed their scholarships and are now putting their skills and degrees to good use. Across the initiative, chosen subjects range from medicine to engineering, all the way to mechanics and chef training in vocational school. As part of our alignment with Cambodia’s own development goals, we recognize that the country’s future and an individual’s best career options lie in STEM fields (Ministry of Education, 2016) so we place an extra focus on students opting for science subjects.
65% of our University Scholarships are awarded to young women.
The scholarship students you see on this page are paving the way for Cambodia’s future and they know it!
Funding for university and vocational training scholarships is always greatly needed. Our scholarships provide tuition, study materials, a laptop and living stipend, and ensure that PLF students coming from impoverished families can take advantage of the same opportunities as given to the elite.
If you’d like to contribute to creating a brighter and more equitable Cambodia, please consider making a donation and designating it towards “tertiary scholarships”!