With updated hygiene rules to keep our students and librarians safe, we’ve been thrilled to keep our libraries open during this time.
For many students, the libraries have been a lifeline to keeping them engaged with learning since their study hours have been so shortened. Each grade has an allotted time each week to come in groups of 10. Luckily, all our librarians are also our school nurses and also manage hygiene. They are right on top of the handwashing protocols and everything that needs to happen to ensure book lending a safe activity for both the students and the staff.
We received permission to re-open first at KVLC in mid May and Koh Ker and Romcheck followed in June.

Attendance over that time has been consistent, with students choosing week after week to come trade in their books for new ones. What’s been most exciting is seeing more and more of the older students developing reading habits. For example, Grade 6 at Romchek have gone from one of the least engaged readers to the most enthused at their school. High school students, now with less pressure from their studies, are coming in droves to the KVLC Library – we’re excited that this new habit will continue for them even after school resumes. We even updated our inventories with more and more young adult fiction to keep up with these newly voracious readers!

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