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Than – Librarian, eLearning and Arts & Crafts Teacher at KVLC

I come from Knar village, and I was a PLF student since Grade 1. I started working part-time for PLF in 2022 while I was still at university studying Accounting, and now that I graduated my job at KVLC is growing. I teach Arts & Crafts and I also manage the Community Library and eLearning classes. I like all the parts of my job and I am always happy when I come to work. I always see the students smile and work hard to study and I can share my experience and knowledge to them. 

eLearning can help students by reviewing the government school lessons and strengthen their ability with extra exercises and explanations. The subjects covered are mathematics, Khmer language, physics and chemistry – and I find they need most help with mathematics.

Students can listen again to the parts of the lesson they don’t understand, and we can discuss together in a group that helps them easier to understand.

Teaching arts and crafts was a new experience for me. I used to do classes when I was a student but never expected to teach it. These classes can help children to learn how to be creative, how to show their feeling, and it’s entertaining for them as well. 

Helping with the community library makes me happy especially now I see more families coming to use books. The KVLC community library is very successful and parents can find lots of different books that help in their daily lives, for example subjects like growing vegetables, general health and nutrition.

Working for PLF is a good experience for me because it can bring knowledge and learning to help children in the community to develop. If they love learning they will want to continue their education forever and on to university. My goal in the future is to strengthen the capacity of knowledge and teaching skills to help more and more children in the community.

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