After an amazing 8 years as part of the PLF team, it is time for Sokha take on new challenges. Sokha started with PLF in October 2012 as a Media Teacher. In those 8 years, as we have grown, so has Sokha and her role of becoming a Student Counselor and Workshop Trainer within the organisation.
You may remember Sokha wrote a blog last year, detailing her biggest accomplishments within PLF. One year later, she will still tell you it’s her work developing the University Program. Sokha has always been passionate about helping students achieve their dreams, and helping them see the possibilities of their future. This all started from small conversations with the high school students about their future and how most students did not see the endless career choices that lay ahead. She knew they could dream bigger, and she has helped many students expand their dreams further than they thought possible.
As Sokha has said many times before “PLF’s focus on university scholarships is like comparing that when you grow something, you need to help it until that plant can stand on its own before you walk away. Plant one tree, make the fence around it, add the soil and water: those are our English, computer, workshop, and emotional support for the students. In my heart, I am so proud when I see a student walk out of university, smiling, a degree in hand, and move on to be successful..”
Sokha has spent a great deal of time on the Career Preparation Workshops, and last year was one like no other. Last year we were unable to do many workshops during school closures, so we sent 63 students entering grade 12 to a 4-day workshop retreat in Rattankiri Province. During this “workshop cramming course” she really got to know these students on a personal level, understanding their goals and shining the light on their pathways to achieving them. Sokha felt so proud to see the student’s confidence grow as they were able to identify more clearly their personal pathways.
“I would like to add how incredible it has been to be part of PLF, especially this year during COVID19. Schools around the world suddenly closed and we needed to be flexible, the students, the donors, the PLF team, and it has been amazing to see how people have come together. I could never imagine this before. We filled the office halls with food to send out to the students, and it was incredible to see. Thank you to the donors who made this possible, and thank you PLF for the last 8 years.””
Thank you Sokha for your work and guidance over the past 8 years. You have been pivotal in assisting this next generation of young adults to have a seat at the table, pulling their families over the poverty line and following their dreams.
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