By Travis Thompson
More than a dozen PLF team members muscled through the day, unloading a giant truck filled with more than 100,000 school supplies. The pencils, notebooks, uniforms, folders, bags and more will ensure our students across northwest Cambodia can go to public school.
We deliver classroom supplies, including uniforms, to our 2,500 students at the beginning of every school year. The entire load arrived at our office today.
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Some of the Supplies Delivered:
230 boxes
45,000 notebooks
45,000 book covers
8,500 pens
4,300 pencils
We’ll deliver all this and more at our schools in a couple weeks, but first we have to prepare everything in bundles for each student. Watch this one-minute video Program Director Gill White made showing our gigantic unloading project in fast-forward today.
Some more pictures from our day:
Love this, the video is cracking me up!
I was exhausted after watching the video! Good Job! Bundling Galore.