Christin, Operations Director
“I arrived in Cambodia in the summer of 2011 and spent 3 years as a Peace Corps volunteer, two years co-teaching English in a public high school in the south of the country and one year in Phnom Penh as volunteer leader. I then moved to Siem Reap in 2014 to take a position with another education NGO; it was in the course of that work that I came to know Lori and PLF’s work. I was pleased to join the PLF team in January 2019.
Regular Teacher Exchanges bring the whole team together from all locations, and are always fun sessions that explore new concepts and skills that the team can apply and share in their classrooms
I do whatever I can to support the work of our office and field staff and make sure all the different wheels of PLF programs keep turning. What that looks like on the day-to-day includes training, curriculum development, data analysis, check-in meetings, and site visits.
My role boils down to step-by-step coaching for our staff which translates into ever-improving programs because of the staff’s increased knowledge. The happiest part of my work is cheering on as PLF staff grow and develop into new skills and roles: two former Field Directors, Sothy & Theada, taking on leadership roles as Teacher & Librarian Coordinators; Kao Ay and even some of the field-staff librarians beginning to facilitate workshops under Vannak’s leadership; the whole team coming together and writing analysis reports on survey data.
I love working with the PLF team because of how passionate they are about the work we’re doing, and about seeing our students succeed.
Education ia a fundamental right that too many are denied, which is why high-quality public education is of the utmost importance. Learning about this world, whether through formal or informal education, is how we grow professionally, socially, and spiritually. My goal is to do whatever is in my ability to make learning accessible for all.
Christin reading with KVLC students in 2019
You can meet more of our amazing team and read their stories on the People of PLF page!
Want to assist PLF’s continuous growth, and help propel our organization ever forward? Your donation today will contribute to crucial sustainability for the future. Check out the link: Creating Our Dream Team!
Other ways to join our mission:
For as little as $10 a month, you could contribute to the ongoing education of our students. $120 goes a long way in Cambodia: that’s 5 village children on the road to education, with access to school and clean drinking water for half a year. Or a million other things, all of which coalesce into the tools needed for life to change for the better!
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