As PLF wraps up the 2009 – 2010 school year, we take a look at our ever-expanding English program. This year, PLF held English classes at Tchey Primary School, Wat Bo Primary School, Knar Primary School, and the Bamboo Shoot High School Girls Dormitory.
Tchey Primary School
English courses at Tchey are held as an extra-curricular activity for those students who are at the top of their Khmer language classes. The English program is taught by Khmer teachers and augmented by native-speaking volunteers.
Wat Bo Primary School
Each morning Learning Enterprise Volunteers visit Wat Bo Primary School to teach an English classes for approximately thirty students. All of the children who attend these classes are sponsored to attend Wat Bo by PLF.
Knar Primary School
English classes at Knar Primary School are held between the morning and afternoon class sessions. The top students from the Khmer language classes are chosen to participate in this program. Classes here are taught by Khmer teachers and also augmented by native-speaking volunteers.
Knar Night Classes
Knar Primary School is also home to an English class for older students in the evenings. Volunteers Maggie Klefstad and Daniel Scott Smith travel to Knar Primary School on weeknights to teach a group of older students who hope to improve their English skills.
Maggie says:
“The secondary students at Knar have brightened everyday of my summer. Even when we’re just learning grammar, they find a way to make me laugh. I know some of the material is difficult for them, but they put in every effort to understand. I’m really going to miss them all.”
You can read more about this program here.
Bamboo Shoot High School Girls Dormitory
Starting in June 2010, PLF began assisting the Bamboo Shoot High School Girls Dormitory with its English program. Twenty girls from the countryside live in the dorm and attend high school in Siem Reap as well as take computer courses and English classes. PLF provides dinner to the dormitory on weeknights as well as native-speaking teachers. Learning Enterprises volunteers Gillian White and Brooke Heinichen teach grammar to the students on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. PLF intern Loren Hyatt leads a writing and discussion-based class on life skills, leadership, and women’s empowerment every Monday and Friday evening. It is hoped that this program will prepare the students for their final exams and for continuing their education at the university level.
Volunteer teacher Brooke Heinichen says:
“Teaching the girls at the Siem Reap dormitory has been an entirely eye-opening experience, because these girls are my age, and are entirely independent. Their determination to furthering their own education is the highlight of my day, and I enjoy every minute I spend with them. That they can still be the cheerful, chatty 19-22-year-old girls that they are after 18-hour days of hard work and studying amazes me and I’m going to miss them tremendously. Seeing how determined they are leaves me with no doubt that their education is going take them far and give them entirely different, richer lives than they would have had otherwise.”
You can read more about this program here.
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