If we go toward to the north of Siem Reap Province we will arrive at Srayang village in Srayang Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province. There are many people living in this village. The landscape in this area is very beautiful that is not far from Preah Vihear temple. This makes us to have the willingness to go there. Our trip took 2 or 3 hours.

First group of boys move into the dorm at Srayang
They work hard to get the education so that they can develop themselves, community and family. Because our country just got out from the war, our people have got the difficulty in their life. Even now we have built some schools, hospitals, markets, pagoda, but we have still lacked of many things. We still have had the students dropping out from school because the schools are far from home, poverty and some children are orphans.
Our goal is that our group happy to talk to them, asking the boys about their life and their study then. After the interview, we know that all the boys are hard working students, they help each other well, they respect their duty well. According to the interview, they couldn’t have any ability to continue their study after finish the primary school because the secondary school is in another village so far from their village.
Some of them decided to stop school because they need to work to help the family and some have to be married. When they live in the dorm, sponsored by PLF, they hope they can finish their school well and get good job in the future. Many more boys will come to stay in the dorm. We encourage them. They are happy to be supported by the charity, many kind people. They liked our interview and happy introduce themselves to us and to answer to our questions about their life and their study. This is our duty we have to do.
At the end, as they are hard working boys, have a lot of good ideas, we made the strong friendship and promise to help each other any time needed and shown them what we have. This is the big development of PLF which is helping them as well as us for getting our country developing.
Sponsored By Ponheary Ly Foundation (PLF)
Tchey Team Soy Sen, Som Ounmeas, Pech Sopha
Thank you Soy Sen for your excellent report. I know I am looking forward to the video interview.
Great work, Soy Sen! Looking forwad to more updates.
I too look forward to the video. You are doing a great job!
This is a very good blog post because I learned a lot about what you do and see at Srayang.I look forward to seeing the footage!
You are champion, Soy Sen, Sopha and Samoun!!!!