By Jacqui Rawson

Alcohol awareness, reproductive health and personal hygiene are just some of the workshops PLF has been running over August, September and October in conjunction with the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC).

PLF has had the assistance of the WRC  for student’s education at leadership conferences and workshops over the last few years.  This year with a keenness to develop her own skills, Sokha (Student Advisor/Community Liaison) has been developing and running some new workshops under her own steam alongside the ones run by WRC.

A total of 70 students from Srayang and Bamboo Shoot City dormitories along with students at Koh Ker and Romchek primary schools have been attending multiple workshops on the following topics:

  • Body Hygiene and Nutrition
  • Domestic Violence
  • Growth and Change (Puberty)
  • HIV/Aids and Sexual Transmitted Disease
  • Reproductive Health
  • Sexual Abuse

PLF is excited to run this program that ensures education continues beyond the classroom for essential life skills and personal development.

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