We are thrilled to announce that the Ponheary Ly Foundation Canada is up and running as a registered Canadian charity.  We now have two organizations raising funds for Ponheary’s projects with one common team on the ground pulling it all together.
Over the years we’ve had many Canadian supporters who will be happy to know they can now receive tax receipts for the full amount of any donation to Ponheary Ly Foundation Canada. Details for making donations to the PLFC can be found at PLF Canada.

PLFC’s first big project was to raise operating expenses (food, medicine, clothes, books, tutoring etc.) for the Dorm at Srayang for the 2011/12 school year.

The PLF Canada was started by Patti Shedden and Greg Nelson of Toronto who have been supporters of PLF for some years. They intend to broaden the scope of Ponheary’s work with a focus on the programs that support students as they move through secondary school and on to University as well as support the programs already in place as needed.

Meet Patti and Greg and join the conversation with other members of the PLFC on Facebook.

Patti Shedden at Srayang Dorm with the new residents for 2011-12 School Year

We are all very happy indeed to see this expansion of the organization and 6 years ago never imagined we would see our students go so far.  Many thanks to all of our supporters who continue to push us forward.

